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vendredi 21 septembre 2012 Category : 0

There are many different advantages to trading forex instead of futures or stocks, such as:
1. Lower Margin
Just like futures and stock speculation, a forex trader has the ability to control a large amount of the currency basically by putting up a small amount of margin. However, the margin requirements that are needed for trading futures are usually around 5% of the full value of the holding, or 50% of the total value of the stocks, the margin requirements for forex is about 1%. For example, margin required to trade foreign exchange is $1000 for every $100,000. What this means is that trading forex, a currency trader's money can play with 5-times as much value of product as a futures trader's, or 50 times more than a stock trader's. When you are trading on margin, this can be a very profitable way to create an investment strategy, but it's important that you take the time to understand the risks that are involved as well. You should make sure that you fully understand how your margin account is going to work. You will want to be sure that you read the margin agreement between you and your clearing firm. You will also want to talk to your account representative if you have any questions.

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The Foreign Exchange Market — better known as Forex — is a world wide market for buying and selling currencies.
It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day.
The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 with the abolishment of fixed currency exchanges. Currencies became valued at 'floating' rates determined by supply and demand. The Forex grew steadily throughout the 1970's, but with the technological advances of the 80's Forex grew from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of $1.5 trillion.

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Trading the Forex market has become very popular in the last years. Why is it that traders around the world see the Forex market as an investment opportunity? We will try to answer this question in this article. Also we will discuss come differences between the Forex market, the stocks market and the futures market.
Some of the benefits of trading the Forex market are:
Superior liquidity.
Liquidity is what really makes the Forex market different from other markets. The Forex market is by far the most liquid financial market in the world with nearly 2 trillion dollars traded everyday. This ensures price stability and better trade execution. Allowing traders to open and close transactions with ease. Also such a tremendous volume makes it hard to manipulate the market in an extended manner.
24hr Market.


Whether it is in the millions or thousands, trading in the Forex is a bit risky. There are a lot of players involved and if you don't arm yourself properly with knowledge about the Forex you may just get swamped.
The Forex is the largest most vibrant market in the whole wide world. The financial world has never had a market that involves so much transaction. Over a trillion dollars worth of different currencies exchange hands everyday. Some losing in the trade, while some hit the jackpot and make tons of money. The Forex is characterized by its unpredictability and the liquidity because it deals with foreign currencies and each one's value influenced by their own country. That's why anyone who is greatly considering joining the Forex trade should think twice, thrice and maybe even ten times before doing so. This is not an arena for the weak and nervous.

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Whether it is in the millions or thousands, trading in the Forex is a bit risky. There are a lot of players involved and if you don't arm yourself properly with knowledge about the Forex you may just get swamped.
The Forex is the largest most vibrant market in the whole wide world. The financial world has never had a market that involves so much transaction. Over a trillion dollars worth of different currencies exchange hands everyday. Some losing in the trade, while some hit the jackpot and make tons of money. The Forex is characterized by its unpredictability and the liquidity because it deals with foreign currencies and each one's value influenced by their own country. That's why anyone who is greatly considering joining the Forex trade should think twice, thrice and maybe even ten times before doing so. This is not an arena for the weak and nervous.

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As hundreds and thousands of articles have been written on the subject of trading the markets, and with the emergence of new financial instruments every day, I feel compelled to put together a dissertation on the most important element of trading, the emotional effect.
Before detailing the key elements, I will offer to you the thoughts of two prominent individuals. They do not need any introduction, as their work is known and appreciated all over the world. I am sure you will love their insight into the human psyche.
"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic but creatures of emotion". Dale Carnegie (1888-1955)
"Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it". Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)
In a world apparently dominated by logic, it is very interesting to find such "heretic" ideas. There is nothing more debilitating than the thought of us acting not on our heavily trained conscious, but rather on the unknown subconscious impulses.
I would like to add just one more fact to my presentation, in order for you to fully grasp the importance of this new approach to trading and in general to any business activity.
The Institute for Health and Human Potential, with offices in U.S.A., Canada and Australia is a research and learning organization that uses Emotional Intelligence to leverage performance and leadership. Fortune 500 companies, the world's top business schools, professional athletes and Olympic medallists seek their expertise.
According to their studies, "Research tracking over 160 high performing individuals in a variety of industries and job levels revealed that emotional quotient was two times more important in contributing to excellence than intellect and expertise alone"
Shocking? Not at all. It is our way to act on impulse, without questioning the triggers. .
It is well known already that the two emotions dominating trading are GREED and FEAR. What is less grasped is the extent to which these emotions influence our decisions.
While amateur traders are greedy when they lose and fearful when they win, professional operators have an exactly opposite attitude, being fearful when losing and greedy when winning.
While simple psychological training could help you discipline your impulse reactions, it is the experience you get "in the ring" that makes you understand how to play with these primal emotions.
We all hate to lose, not necessarily money. The sentiment is very powerful. ALL professional operators are well versed in dealing with it day in and day out. Although they have been through tense moments due to financial losses, they have learned the most important rule in trading the markets: losses are the COST OF DOING BUSINESS. They have a high emotional management procedure and are trained to implement it no matter how hard their "ego" may suffer.
This is easier said than done, as emotions kick in and all theory crash and burn together with any trading plan.
Here you have some easy steps to help you start taming your emotional horses.
— What you see is NOT what you get, as opposed to what you have been taught all your life. The way you act is just a consequence of years and years of education and interaction with others and not your genuine attitude. You are the product of an outside education, not necessarily positive.
— In the long run, your Forex business is just PART of your whole life, together with your family, friends, hobbies, long-term projects and various other activities. I personally use a very powerful "mantra" when in pain following a loss. LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!
— Never lose sight of the general picture. That is your primary goal. For a professional Forex operator, the primary goal is the PROTECTION of his or her trading capital. Keep a trading journal and learn from your mistakes.
— If you want to get a pretty accurate picture of your trading prospects, take a look at your daily emotional decisions. Most of the time, you will repeat all emotional behavior in your professional life.
If you take your time to sit back and observe your daily routines, the picture will emerge with greater clarity, helping you foresee hurdles along your trading career. Do you have a swinging mood? Do you change your mind very often? Are you capable of keeping a commitment? Do you lose your temper easily? Are you on the "half-full glass" or "half-empty glass" side of life?
These traits will not change just because you start trading. That is why you have to be very careful with your expectations. Base them both on your assets as well as liabilities, in order to obtain an accurate picture.
That is just the beginning, but a very resourceful one on a journey few of us have started yet.
I have seen traders taking NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) lessons, practicing the Tai-Chi art or simply meditating. They try to get in touch with unseen forces at work deep inside, vectors of influence that rule our inner world.
The way to succeed in life has infinite variations but one common start, superbly crystallized in the following aphorism, inscribed in golden letters at the entrance to the Temple Of Apollo at Delphi and attributed to Socrates, among several other ancient Greek philosophers: NOSCE TE IPSUM,(Know yourself).
The magic of success is within our grasp. We just need to find the wand!
by Bogdan Vasile

source :http://www.earnforex.com/articles/your-forex-trading-potential-can-be-predicted-by-looking-at-your-daily-emotional-behavior

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This aspect is one of the most important aspects you will ever read about trading.
Why is it important? In reality, we are in the business of making money, and to be able to do so we need to learn how to manage it well in order to prevent continuous loss. Ironically, this is one of the most overlooked areas in trading. Many traders are just anxious to get right into trading with no regards to their total account size. They simply determine how much they can lose in a single trade and get into the trade.
Trading on Forex, the investor has opportunities to multiply his money, but he also risks losing future profit and much more, the invested capital. Deviation from expected profit average is what determines the investor's risk on the financial market. Risk management methods are applied before and after opening positions. The main risk management method is applied to reduce losses.

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Interest Rates defined: Interest rates are LIBOR-based for currencies of disbursement plus a spread which is dependent on the complexity of the transaction and the risk profile of the applicant.
The Forex, or foreign currency exchange, is all about money. Money from all over the world is bought, sold and traded. On the Forex, anyone can buy and sell currency and with possibly come out ahead in the end. When dealing with the foreign currency exchange, it is possible to buy the currency of one country, sell it and make a profit. For example, a broker might buy a Japanese yen when the yen to dollar ratio increases, then sell the yens and buy back American dollars for a profit.
The foreign exchange market, sometimes known as the Forex market, is one that is affected by several things. The market itself is becoming one of the most popular forms of trading today. It once was reserved

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First what is the Forex market: The FOREX or Foreign Exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, with an volume of more than $1.5 trillion daily, dealing in currencies. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another.
The Forex, or foreign currency exchange, is all about money. Money from all over the world is bought, sold and traded. On the Forex, anyone can buy and sell currency and with possibly come out ahead in the end. When dealing with the foreign currency exchange, it is possible to buy the currency of one country, sell it and make a profit. For example, a broker might buy a Japanese yen when the yen to dollar ratio increases, then sell the yens and buy back American dollars for a profit.

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Let's say that there is a forex trading company say Acme Forex traders who send entry and exit signals to their clients in the following way
The first signal is provided to the trader at 08:30, and this signal is going to remain actual till 12.30
The trader will receive the second signal at 12.30, which would remain actual till 16.30.
The last signal would be sent to the trader at 16.30.

The Pros and Cons of Using Solar Panels at Home

samedi 15 septembre 2012 Category : 0

One of the biggest problems in many households is power, especially with its cost rising significantly nowadays. But with solar panels, home electricity is not going to be an issue anymore. However, you might be wondering about the difficulties of setting up a solar power system at home.
In order to have a really good solar power system, you need to know how to choose the components correctly. The most important one would of course be the solar panels. There are several types of solar panels on the market, each having their pros and cons. The criteria that you need to consider the most when selecting panels is the power to cost ration. This can be easily obtained by dividing the rated power output of the given model. The larger the ratio, the more cost effective the model would be.
You also have to check the other features of the solar panels before buying. For instance, the solar panel should be compatible with the type of electrical system that you are using, including the kind of connectors that are available at your home. Also make sure that the panels have pre-made brackets for installation, or at least have provisions for these built in.
Another part of the system that has to be considered carefully is the inverter that will convert the power into electric current appropriate for your home. Here, you need to consider which appliances you will be running off the panels. This will help you in getting the inverter that has the appropriate power rating for all of these devices. Extra batteries (which store the electricity collected by the panels) for the inverter would also come in quite handy.
When setting up your solar panels, consult an architect or an engineer to find the best spot to place the whole installation. In some cases, you don't have to place the panels on the roof. If you have a large enough space, then you can mount the whole setup on the ground or a custom platform. You might also have to do some backyard adjustments, such as cutting some trees to make rum for the sun.
When you have set up the panels, you can now run the wires and connect it to the inverter and the appliances. Remember to have the wires covered up so that they won't be exposed to the elements. Also be reminded that the panels themselves require regular maintenance in order for them to run properly at full capacity.
Solar Masta offers home solar panels, that are proven environmentally effective! Also, they have professional solar installers that will install these solar panels for you! You can save up to 70% of electricity at home on utilizing solar energy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Megan_Homer_Williams

The Legendary Charles Nenner

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Charles Nenner is the founder and president of the Charles Nenner Research Center. This research center has seen the provision of market research in many entities all over the world. Key areas in the marketing field which have benefitted through his independent research include the banking sector, brokerage firms, hedge funds as well as individual clients. Mr. Nenner has had an impressive work history. He has a work experience of about thirty years. Before he moved to Goldman, Sachs & Co. in New York, he used to work with Goldman, Sachs & Co. in London. He was the technical analyst for the company. He served the Goldman fixed income trading group for a period of about four years before he moved to New York. Before working for Goldman's, he worked at the Rabobank International from 1997 to 1998. He was the head of trading research. Prior to that, from 1992 to 1994, he worked as the head of Market Timing in Tel Aviv at Otek Securities. From 1987 to 1989, he worked as the Director of Marketing at Windsor, New York. He was also a financial consultant with Merill Lynch's Amsterdam office, between 1985 and 1987.
A graduate of Maimonides College in Amsterdam, Mr. Nenner graduated with a medical degree. So far, he has contributed a lot in the field of marketing. His commendable efforts speak for themselves. He came up with a system on how to forecast patterns and analyze securities. He also has a computer program to his name. The computer program takes into account many indicators, for example, proprietary cycle analysis, one of his creations. Mr. Charles Nenner has been praised for his many predictions that have passed on issues touching on the economy. Popular magazines like The WallStreet Journal and Forbes have featured him on their pages. He is often interviewed on his research programs where he gives advice on matters ranging from stock prices to the general economy.
Using his cyclically based methods, he offers advice on price targets too. The cycles he comes up with depend on daily, weekly or monthly and even yearly closing prices. These prices give a certain direction and he uses this direction to predict future prices. His working principle is that history repeats itself and from the past prices, he is able to develop patterns to work with. Nenner's most recent works include analysis of current occurrences like the Us dollar rally against the yen, a rise in interest rates, a fall in bond prices from 2012 to 2040 and a probable increase in wars between 2012 and 2013. His proprietary algorithms which he applies in all his predictions seem to work effectively.
Charles Nenner has a website on the internet where anyone can search for more information on his research center. Do you need financial advice or simply want to study and understand the different aspects of the economy? Charles Nenner's weekly newsletter can be of help. You can also tune in to his interviews on social media. There is unlimited information available and you will discover a lot online. This is just a highlight.
Rene Clark writes about Charles Nenner, the founder and president of the Charles Nenner Research Center.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rene_Z_Clark

Family Dinner Saves Lives

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Expert Author Dr. Jason J. Young, D.C.
There is a simple key to help keep your family healthy and happy. Can you guess what it is? Oh right... I put it in the title already. The fact is that numerous studies show that the decision to eat at least one meal a day as a family can have a significant impact on you and your kids.
Family dinner can be a unique time in otherwise hectic lives. I have 4 kids who participate in soccer, piano, karate, school, plays, etc. I run a chiropractic practice, am involved with my church and do personal training in the mornings. My wife is the glue that holds us all together taking care of the kids, the house and keeping track of the finances of our business. If it weren't for text messaging we might go most of our day without ever touching base in some cases. But we always come together for family dinner. It's the best time to catch up with each member of my family even if it's between telling my boys to stop spitting food and the girls to clean their plates.
Beyond this studies have shown that family meals can make your family healthier as well. Families that eat together tend to have lower rates of obesity. This is especially true when the meals are prepared at home rather than sitting down to take-out. A family meal is a great time for parents to model healthy dietary habits for kids. Other studies show that family meals lower your child or adolescent's chances of engaging in "at risk" behaviors such as: teen pregnancy, drugs, depression, suicide, violence and sexual activity. It's not just the simple act of sitting down together.
Family meals require some level of engagement to be successful. Research shows that having the TV on during dinner can negate the positive effects of a family meal. Although I'm unaware of any specific studies I imagine the same is true of firing up the smart phone or similar devices, which I'm often guilty of. (I know my wife is ecstatic to read that last sentence and I will probably hear it over and over again).
Unfortunately, statistics show that family meals are becoming less and less common since the days when we were kids. That doesn't have to be the case for your family though. Commit to at least one family meal a day and you will wind up happier and healthier.
Dr. Jason Young, DC is the founder and chiropractor of Body of Health Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Corvallils, OR. Dr. Young is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and enjoys treating and training athletes of all sports and skill levels.
Visit the website today: www.YourBodyofHealth.com
Be sure to check Dr. Young's Blog at: Blog.YourBodyofHealth.com
(c) Copyright - Jason J. Young. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Jason_J._Young,_D.C.

About Brian Berger's Triglycerides

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Expert Author Dr. Jason J. Young, D.C.
Today as I was driving and running some errands for the clinic I was listening to my favorite: Sports Radio (750 AM). Brian Berger was the radio host and he runs a segment where he has a sports medicine doc on to discuss various injuries to players. At the end of the segment Brian said he was going to get selfish for a moment and as about a personal health issue. Of course I perked up. He had just gone in for a physical and everything was good except for a report of high triglycerides in his blood work. His questions were naturally: 1. What is a triglyceride? and 2. How do you reduce them?. The doc on the radio was obviously caught off guard. He deals with strains, sprains and other sports injuries most of the time. Players aren't asking about triglycerides much. But he did really well describing the problem and offered some info. I thought that there was more to add so I hit up Mr. Berger on Twitter. He said he would be interested in more info so I thought I would share this with anybody who may have a question about triglycerides.
First... I must say that it is very cool that Mr. Berger responds so quickly to his listening audience. Consider me an even bigger fan now.
Now to the triglycerides... This is a fancy word we doctors use to refer to fat that travels in the bloodstream. This is an important measure of health because elevated triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and other nasty things. You might be surprised to know that triglycerides don't necessarily come from eating fatty foods. The bigger culprits are actually sugar and alcohol. By sugars I mean table sugar, brown sugar, organic sugar cane, evaporated cane juice, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, fructose and anything else that sounds like sugar (regardless of the fancy names). You can also add to this list any refined grains such as white flour, bread flour, bleached flour... you get the idea. I'm pretty sure you get what alcohol is too.
"Well wait a minute... What about cutting out fats?" you might ask. After all if you are trying to reduce the level of "fatty acid" in the blood shouldn't you limit the fat? Good question. It turns out that if you are overweight and have extremely high triglyceride levels then reducing fat intake helps. Otherwise it doesn't make a huge difference. If you only have moderatly elevated triglycerides (150 mg/dl-400 mg/dl) then a very low fat diet will probably actually increase trigylcerides! This will also decrease the amount of "healthy" cholesterol (HDLs) in your blood.
Are you a coffee drinker or do you drink caffeinated soda? Cutting back on caffeine has also been shown to decrease triglycerides by about 25% in some cases.
Another good thing you can do to help reduce triglycerides is to be sure to get a good multivitamin/multimineral supplement and Fish Oil. It is almost impossible to get all of the nutrients we need to be as healthy as possible in food these days. Fish Oil helps boost our HDLs. Getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals helps to make sure that your metabolism is working well enough to deal with the triglyceride burden. Another supplement that has been shown in research studies to help is L-Carnitine. Using garlic in your food or taking garlic pills boosts your immune system and... you guessed it... reduces your triglycerides.
On the radio Mr. Berger commented that he was thinking about boosting the intensity of his workouts to help drop triglyceride levels. That's a good move. Exercise is a great way to improve your cardiovascular and heart health. Of course it helps control blood pressure, weight, metabolism and I could go on all day.
So there it is... limit your carbohydrates (sugars), limit your alcohol, take your vitamins, and hit the gym. Trust me. This is the way you want to lower your triglycerides. There are no side effects unless you count all of the other added benefits of getting healthy. To you Mr. Berger and all of those like you, BEST OF HEALTH! (and GO BLAZERS!)
Dr. Jason Young, DC is the founder and chiropractor of Body of Health Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Corvallils, OR. Dr. Young is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and enjoys treating and training athletes of all sports and skill levels. Body of Health is a high quality wellness center which focuses on treating families, athletes, and people with a wide variety of conditions and attitudes about health. Using some of the latest techniques in chiropractic, massage and evidence based care Body of Health is a one-stop solution to your health needs because YOUR Health Matters!.
Visit the website today: www.YourBodyofHealth.com
Be sure to check Dr. Young's Blog at: Blog.YourBodyofHealth.com
(c) Copyright - Jason J. Young. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Jason_J._Young,_D.C.

Living Life As a Positive Parent

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Expert Author Anne Denny
There are many words to describe being a parent. There's the unconditional all encompassing love for your children; the pride you feel as they learn and grow; the challenges of friendships and school, the constant worry and the sleepless nights!
With many parenting hurdles to overcome, how do we communicate so children understand, how do we discipline at the right level, how do we give children confidence, how do we show we love them and how do we manage a household with less yelling and fighting?
Here's 5 Top Tips on being a positive parent and maintaining a close, loving relationship with our children, as individual as they are.
• Positive communication
Support your child by listening to their opinions as a member of your family and by explaining your family values
• Positive discipline
Focus your child on what they do right by rewarding them; have clear rules about naughty or unsafe behaviour with a consistent consequence system
• Positive confidence
Motivate your child to cooperate and become more considerate by giving them descriptive praise when they get things right
• Positive love
Help your child manage their feelings by talking about excitability, frustration and anger so they develop a close bond with you
• Positive calm
Structure your life so that when children challenge you can access your skills in keeping calm. Also, understand the developmental stages and temperament of your child to see whether your expectations are realistic.
Of course these top 5 tips are a mere snapshot of outlining of being a positive parent!
There are many other hurdles to overcome but it is important to recognise that it is possible to learn skills which enable parents to deal with unwanted behaviour - in a positive way.
Other hurdles for new parents and parents with children going to nursery and school are often around anxiety, bed wetting, bullying, concentration, confidence, co-operation, creativity, education, fear, fussy eating, goals, health, nail biting, night

Do You Need An iPad User Manual?

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You've got a new iPad. Perhaps it's a first generation, or a subsequent one. It doesn't really matter for some, as the basics are pretty much the same. There are always those who want the latest in technology, and thus will buy the newest one on the market. For some, getting a newer version might mean being able to do more with an iPad. Yet there are many people who haven't recognized all the capabilities of the iPad they already have in hand, and upgrading to a newer version won't change that. The iPad's capabilities may remain unrecognized for many, in part, because of something discovered when opening a new iPad - there are no printed instruction manuals included. The iPad user guide is available online, but there is no Apple iPad manual included with a new iPad.
The original expectation from Apple upon the iPad's release was that the iPad would be self-explanatory. Its ease of use would and how to's would be obvious, which would mean it transcended the need for a user manual, and there would be no need to print and include an iPad help manual with the iPad. The features and how to use them would be automatically known. Apparently, this was neither true nor the best idea, because in less than two months, an official iPad User Guide was released from Apple.
It was available online, and was very comprehensive and detailed, perfect for someone not technology oriented. An iPad instruction manual, in other words, included all the basic iPad instructions for operating the iPad. Since that time, the iPad user manual has been revised for the newer iPads on the market. Video user guides are also available, as are user generated videos on YouTube and other websites. Plus, books have been written, both in print and downloadable, to also supply user instructions for the Apple iPad.
There are those for whom lack of a user manual is equal to lack of use. They need specific instructions for their apple iPads and included features in order to use them. For those people, and also for those who are adept at figuring out how the iPad works without needing a manual, there are still limits. The limits are not in the iPad itself, but rather in the manuals or in what we've learned on our own while using the iPads.
Lots of people think an iPad is great for email, watching videos, checking in with Facebook and other social media sites, and perhaps for doing some online window shopping or buying from online venues. Not to mention keeping up with the news, downloading music, pictures, and videos, as well as taking pictures. All this is explained in the iPad user guide that is currently on the Apple website.
The iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 software covers the directions for use as well as the basics of the iPad, with chapters ranging from Photos, to YouTube, Videos, the iTunes and App Stores, Email, to Settings and the iPad in Business category. But is there more? Can the iPad and all of its features do more than what is covered in the basic instruction manual?
At this point in iPad history, there are many who have been using one for over two years now. And perhaps you are still trying to find what your iPad is really capable of doing. Something this great, something that started a whole new revolution in mobile internet use, must have potential that has yet to be unlocked. Or, maybe it has been unlocked - and each day, users discover more and more capabilities inherent in their iPads. Let's take a look at some things you might not have known about that can be done with your iPad and it's many features.
For instance, you can program it for shorthand - your shorthand. The iOS 5 shortcuts lets you add a new shortcut simply by navigating to Settings, General, Keyboard, and then selecting Add New Shortcut. In the Phrase field, type in the phrase, then, in the Shortcut field, your shorthand version. For example, "See you later" becomes "CUlater".
Want to go faster? Double tap the space bar when typing to have a period followed by a space appear. Like what you see and want to have it among your photos? Take a screenshot easily by pressing the "Home" and "Sleep/wake" buttons simultaneously. The screenshot you've just taken will appear with your photos! If you want to email that photo, or any other, open the Photos App and choose a photo. Press the upper right hand corner button that displays a rectangle with right-facing arrow, select "Email photo" - and it's off! Giant screenshots can also be done.
On the subject of email, if you are listening to a podcast worth sharing with someone, that's easy to do. While it's open, the link can be shared simply by pressing the "email" button. Your friend can now also listen to the podcast.
That switch on the side is very useful for disabling or enabling audio alerts. It can also orient the screen to either landscape or portrait mode. From the home screen, open Settings, then General, then choose which function you want at the moment. By the way, fooling with the audio alerts won't affect any video or audio playback.
There are printing tools and apps that allow files to be downloaded to the iPad, then sent to a printer. There are also many low cost gadgets that can be used with your iPad to enable your device to do much more than it is already doing, such as supercharging your browser, or use USB keyboards not officially supported by iPad. You can also connect USB audio devices such as speakers or headsets.
Using a real keyboard but want to access the virtual one? No problem if you hit the "eject" key on Apple's physical keyboard. The virtual one will reappear - the one that disappeared when the Bluetooth keyboard was connected to the iPad.
A little bit of research on the internet can yield many other ideas your iPad is capable of doing. The features can be expanded beyond what they were originally intended for. Most of what the iPad can offer above and beyond what one reads in the iPad instructions is easy to do once you know what to do. In this case, you are learning to think not outside the box, but outside the tablet.
For iPad help, having an iPad user manual at your fingertips is priceless. http://www.ipad2.biz offers videos you can watch if you are stuck or maybe you just want to learn more about what the iPad is capable of. Take a look for yourself!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toby_Wright

How Do I Connect Headphones To My TV?

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Expert Author Michael L Kyle
What really stinks is when you are so involved in your game and you hear those magic words coming from the next room. You want any type of noise cancelling headphones to just end this madness. "Turn that off cause I'm trying to sleep!" One can really add any angered quote here because they all lead to the same end. "How do I shut them up by shutting this thing up?"
You've done everything right, you've taken out the trash, put the kids to bed, watched a chick flick or anything else that fits and yet you still can't win. Wait, you got the kids up and fed, packed their lunch, sent them off to school, got them off the bus, made dinner, gave them their bath and put them to bed. Wow, you work harder than I thought! You might need noise cancelling headphones too. Anyways, both of your days were tough!
Television sets, both modern and ones from our parents days didn't come equipped with a headphone jack. Those older sets were designed with a set of built-in stereo speakers (and sometimes a single mono speaker),yes, they did!..But while newer digital sets are typically set up for home theater, which involves connecting the TV to a receiver and Surround Sound speakers, they are pre-determined. But sometimes, a viewer just wants to listen privately while watching a program. The solution is to adapt the TV's audio outputs into a mini-jack for connecting a set of headphones.
Things you'll need to do this:
... TV
... Y-adapter with stereo plugs on one end and a mini-jack on the other, available at electronics stores.
... Headphones
Here is what to do:
... Find the Audio Out jacks on the back-white and red
... Insert the "Y" plugs into place... Insert the mini-plug on the end of the headphones cord into the small jack on the end of the Y adapter
... Insert the mini-plug on the end of the headphones cord into the small jack on the end of the Y adapter
... Press the "Menu" button on the TV remote control and toggle the up and down arrows until "Speakers" appears on the display.
... Use the left and right arrows to turn the TV's built-in speakers on and off for private
Of course each TV set is different; you will find that this will work most of the time. What kind of headphones will you be using with this TV to drown out all of your distractions. Don't stop with what we just talked about! There are way too many headphones to even think about which ones are the best. After all, you aren't here because you have too much time on your hands. There are those that want to make your life easier and will do the hard work for you! Yes, that's us! Surprise! Do not walk into an electronics store or anywhere else to buy your headphones and allow them to solve your problem. We've put the ball in motion and started checking these headphones out for you.
Since you've been here this long, we want to give you our thoughts and findings of many of the different headphones available to you. We want to offer to you more of our services by giving you the website that we work on. Everyone hates researching the different brands and styles of whatever they shop for. We do the entire headphone shopping review for you about noise cancelling headphones and give it to you at our website. We give honest reviews and helpful hints to set you in the direction of buying the headphones that are best for you.
Too much yelling or noise in your house? What if you want to hear your jams just right and forget everything around you... Visit us to make sure that your purchase is really thought about and what's best for your needs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_L_Kyle

Information About Telecommunications Providers Network Maps

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Network maps are applications that provide lens onto data, which is combined with a sales professional knowledge before being converted into useful information. This helps to rapidly improve customer service. Telecommunications providers network maps use Hyperbolic Tree viewer to display service information contained in a conventional relational database. These displays are very engaging and involve users by drawing them into their data. This helps them to propose evolutionary paths for a large telecommunications services.
Most telecommunication companies form a consultative relationship with their clients. This helps to optimize, modernize and intelligently manage all their services. Also, by having a broad overview of their services these companies easily coordinate customer services across several locations. It is very difficult to achieve such high customer expectation by using tabular displays, since they are limited to about a square meter.
By using these applications the account representative communities are able to view the regularly updated representations of the voice and data services. Also, it becomes easy to analyze the strategic needs of the client. This is done through preparation of sales meeting and research on potential solutions.
Network Maps that use two tier architecture, allow users to modify data through a WWW browser. The modules may be contained in either several small accounts or a single large one. Whichever the case, these models designate an account representative, contact information and identify customers for each account.
Portfolio generators run at predefined intervals. All the modules and series of queries of each account are managed by the program. For each account using hierarchical data organization the map processes the data. Then, the portfolio which contains a series of data file and HTML is later assembled. After all this is done the account representative may be able to download completed portfolio when need arises.
Additionally, using these applications, account representatives can make notes that are outside the corporate data repositories on their local machine. The representatives can later download the entire set of notes about an account to their machines when they reconnect to the Network Map server. This feature has enabled team members share notes about individual accounts. For instance, when account representatives download portfolios to their laptops, the information may be accessed locally without any further network connection. Such information can be used to analyze the service of the customers in the field or office.
Some people think that network Maps are information presentation tools which on the surface produce no value. However after using these tools for some time, these people realize that it supports the future directions of businesses through evolution of telecommunications and consultative selling. At the same time, these maps support several different points in analyzing an account.
Telecommunications providers network maps makes the process of creating a service map much easier and less time consuming. Productivity measures justify the development costs of these applications. Cost cutting mindsets use such statements of business value. The benefits of these applications lie in the ability of the service providers to obtain synoptic views of their customers which helps them plan for their future needs in a sales program. After getting detailed information of a client, service providers enter into long term relationships to provide total solutions rather than point solutions.
Finding Metro Fiber Maps providers are not hard when you know where to look for a reliable one. If you are looking for Dark Fiber Maps, review the information available here to find out more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Richard

Drinking Water And Cancer

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Expert Author Douglas Hoover
Prior to starting 40 day fast on distilled water, I made an appointment with my doctor at the VA medical Center in La Jolla, California. At first, the doctor was much opposed to a 40 day fast, and especially on nothing but distilled water, commenting on its lack of minerals and electrolytes. But I explained to her:
  • that I have been fasting every year for over 40 years
  • that I have never been sick or been to a doctor or taken medicine
  • that on this fast I decided to include 1oz of liquid vitamins and 2 oz of liquid protein
  • that I planned to exercise daily at a spa.
Upon hearing this, the doctor seemed to be a little more amenable, especially after viewing the lab results of my blood cells, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. She was amazed to discover that at age 65, I seemed to have the "heart of a 25-year-old" and the results of my blood test were "exceptional."
She asked me why I was drinking distilled water as opposed to any other type. Curious about why she asked, I was prompted to ask what type she drank. I was not surprised to hear that she and her family drink San Diego's tap water. My next question to her was, "Do you have any idea of how many pollutants are present in San Diego's municipal drinking water?" The doctor immediately retorted, "if it wasn't safe to drink, I'm sure they would let us know." By the time I finished sharing with her what I knew about the chemicals and carcinogens (all at "safe levels," according to the EPA) regardless of the so-called good minerals and electrolytes, as well as water and its relationship to health, she was considering a reverse osmosis filter.
It is common knowledge that most medical doctors are not taught about water and its relationship to health in medical school. This is a small example of the serious problem we have with regard to the ignorance of Americans in trusting the government regarding our health. Regardless of where you live, if you were to call up your local water utility and ask them if there are any dangerous chemicals or carcinogens in the municipal drinking water, they would say, yes, several, but they are all at safe levels. When I drink water, I would like to think that it is H2O plus nothing: pure, clean and healthy. I do not want to be concerned with many dangerous, cancer-causing substances at "safe" levels.
Fortunately, many communities across the U.S. are voicing concerns about the potential and known links between the chemicals found in municipal water and cancer. Even though water utility companies are required by law to follow specific guidelines with regard to the levels of cancer-causing chemicals, there is much debate on what exactly are "safe levels." As a result of much public concern, new laws have been enacted requiring water utilities to publish the results of their water testing every year for public review. Therein lies the problem: virtually no one reads these reports or, for that matter, even know they exist, let alone have knowledge of the situation. Consequently, the general public continues to drink water that is by no means healthy or safe.
A glass of city water is not going to kill you or give you cancer any more than one cigarette will give you cancer; it is that cigarette after cigarette after cigarette. or glass after glass after glass of tap water.
One of the most serious cancer-causing chemicals found in our tap water was put there by the water utility company, "for our safety and health." Chlorine is widely known to cause cancer in humans, yet it is the safest chemical available to control water-borne diseases. Not only is chlorine a carcinogen, but when it comes in contact with humic acid (decayed plant and animal matter), it creates gases such as Trihalomethanes:
  • Chlorodibromomethane
  • Chloroform
  • Bromoform
  • Lodoform
  • Dichlorobromomethane
  • Fluoroform
  • Chlorodifluoromethane
Now, as a result of adding one cancer-causing substance, chlorine, we have eight carcinogens which are linked to rectal, bladder and pancreatic cancers. Yet another chemical added to our water for our health and well-being, fluoride, has also been determined to cause cancer. The national toxicology program study found that fluoride is linked to cancers affecting the pharynx, mouth and rectum. Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology found fluoride directly linked to a rare bone disease, osteosarcoma.
Most people are aware that there are hundreds of chemicals being released into the environment every year and none of these are being tested to determine whether or not they cause cancer in humans, or at what specific level are they deemed to be safe. With thousands of chemicals found in our nation's water and food supplies, imagine what astronomical combination of compound chemicals could be created exponentially. If the result of combining chlorine with humic acid can create eight carcinogens, then what can the result be of mixing hundreds of unknown chemicals on the environment or our bodies?
No water utility has the ability or technology to remove this soup of potentially hazardous chemicals from our water supplies. Keep in mind that this is true with most bottled water companies, the majority of which obtain the water they bottle from the same source as the water utility.
Conclusion: many experts believe that the majority of disease in the world today comes from our drinking water in combination with dehydration (not drinking enough water). So if you want to live healthier and longer, drink plenty of pure, clean, healthy distilled or purified water.
Douglas Hoover is an author, free-lance writer for News Papers and magazines with his column. "Lets Talk Health" the same name as his radio program- specializing in water and its relationship to health. Douglas Hoover is on record for introducing the very first bottled water vending machine, in Bill's IGA grocery store in Brooklyn MI in 1976- 7years before Glacier Water Vending (1983), Learn more at: http://DistillationStation.com and Buy Doug's latest #1 Best Seller: "Distilled Water and Health" A Match Made In Heaven- http://DistilledWaterAuthority.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Douglas_Hoover

Mobile Electronics Technology Can Make Driving Safer, More Efficient, and More Enjoyable

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Even as technology becomes more and more a part of everyday life, there are still people who describe themselves as "technophobes." That group may consist mostly of Baby Boomers and older generations who didn't have the advantage of growing up with the Internet, global positioning systems, and mobile applications, but an aversion to technology can definitely be a handicap in the modern world.
Car alarms and vehicle security systems are the perfect example. Car owners who use these devices can not only have the peace of mind of knowing that their vehicles are protected from theft and break ins, but they can also have the option of being immediately alerted when the alarm is triggered. That's because there are car alarms on the market that will notify owners by phone when an attempt has been made to break into their vehicle. This notification capability, also available in some home security systems, gives vehicle owners an added measure of control and preparedness.
Global Positioning Systems are another example of useful technology that not everyone has gotten on board with. Even as prices for car GPS units become more and more affordable, there are still those few holdouts who prefer using maps or written driving directions. For the transportation industry, delivery services, and families that do a lot of traveling, GPS navigation systems have become an indispensable fixture. GPS tracking for fleet vehicles has also helped businesses, government agencies, and transportation departments improve efficiency and fleet management.
There are a variety of other devices available through mobile electronics outlets that can make driving more convenient, safer, and enjoyable. A remote car starter is a device that most people have heard of, but may consider to be more of a luxury than a necessity. That belief often changes, though, when drivers experience the comfort of getting into a warm vehicle on a frigid, blustery winter morning.
Other devices that make driving more convenient and safer include backup cameras. This technology affords drivers greater visibility and safety when backing up their vehicle. As a result, rear view cameras are vehicle safety features that are being embraced by both businesses and individuals alike.
In addition to the Internet, one of the best sources of information about backup cameras, remote car starters, GPS navigation systems, and car alarms can be a local mobile electronics store. Any high-quality mobile electronics installation business will be staffed by knowledgeable, well-trained technicians and sales associates who can answer your questions and offer helpful advice.
Penny Jones is a car audio enthusiast and an Internet marketer for Prospect Genius, a leader in online local advertising.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Penny_Q_Jones

12 Tips for Choosing Binary Options Brokers

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Expert Author Elijah Musonda
Taking a dip into the investing pool can be very exciting, but it can also be very daunting and downright scary. An alternative to executing the binary trades yourself is to hire binary options brokers. There are many brokers in the industry ready and willing to work with you or in your stead and perform the trading tasks for you. The drawback to hiring a broker is not all brokers are right for all investors. Here, are some tips to help choose your best broker.
What Customer Service Do They Offer?
1. Binary options brokers receive a fee if your trade loses. Some brokers require a trading fee each time they execute a transaction. If a broker requires both fees, make sure the total of the two is within a reasonable rate, such as 10 % to 15%. Most of them are helpful, but that does not mean they should receive the Lion's share of the success.
2. Customer service is a huge consideration when choosing brokers. They should be available by a popular means such as email, telephone and live chat. Give customer service a test run before signing on with any broker. You certainly do not want to miss out on a very lucrative deal because you could not contact customer service. Customer service should also be available in your language of choice.
3. Look for binary options brokers who offer some kind of refund if the trade does not make any money. Some brokers will do that, but only if asked. Make sure the refund is reasonable such as 15% of the money lost. This is a good incentive for the broker to give your account its due focus.
Do They Have Appropriate Technology?
4. The platform used should be web-based and not a program download. This will give you the ability to check on your investments once in a while, as well as being assured the latest version of the trading program is being used. The program and your account should be easy to access with no hidden aspects of the account. Make sure your account is available in your native language or whatever language you choose.
5. Brokers that are using up to date technology will have a system in place that allows you to use your smart phone to engage in the trading process or to just check your account. If that is an important consideration, be sure the broker of choice has that option available
6. If multiple trading options are important for your investment portfolio, choose brokers that have that ability as well as software in place that accommodates such a request. There is a variety of binary options software available and some of the programs are binary options only, but there are plenty of others that have several capabilities built into one platform.
7. Make sure binary options brokers use the latest technology to safe guard your information from hackers and identity theft. Hackers are just about in step with technology and the importance to make sure your information is protected cannot be stressed enough. Do not allow others to have access to your account except for binary options brokers and make sure your broker of choice does the same.
8. The broker of choice should keep all your account information in one place for easy review. All the past assets and transactions and those being executed in the present should also be open for review and in an easy to find place. This makes it easy to review past trends and look at the different trades under certain trading conditions.
Do they meet your expectations?
9. Payment and withdrawal options are always an important consideration when choosing brokers. Customers often want to utilize a different and convenient withdrawal method such as credit card or bank transfer to make the initial investment and withdraw payments through PayPal or some other banking system. Brokers that offer a variety of options will most likely use the method you prefer. If they are tied to one payment and withdrawal method, chances are they aren't the binary options brokers for you.
10. Financial transactions between you and binary options brokers should be as immediate as possible. The broker demands his money for each transaction in a timely manner, and you should be offered the same consideration. If payment to you lags more than three business days, it might be time to find other binary options brokers.
11. Make sure your broker has an education section on their web site that allows customers to learn about binary options trading. The more information the customer has, the better they can work with and understand what the brokers are doing. An education section should also instruct the customer how to make trades. The broker should also offer a demonstration account to allow the customer hands on experience before handing over hard-earned money.
12. Before signing on the dotted line and entrusting your financial future to binary options brokers, understand their terms and conditions and any other contractual measure they have in place.
I know how hard it can be to try and find binary options brokers who can take you by the hand and help you invest your hard-earned cash to realise meaningful profits. But it is not impossible to really find a broker that works amazingly well.
Don't give up hope, take the necessary steps and learn more on binary options trading by clicking the link.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elijah_Musonda

Why Squirrel Removal Is A Professional Job

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Squirrel removal is often necessary. These creatures can get into very small holes. When they do make themselves at home, it is up to you to get rid of them. Not only can they be pests, but they can also cause significant structural damage to your home if left untreated. Of course, they also breed fairly rapidly. These are all reasons to get rid of them, but why shouldn't you try to do this on your own?
Difficulty Is an Understatement
What you may quickly find out if you try to do this on your own is that squirrel removal is very difficult. The animals can easily move from one location to the next quickly making them difficult to catch with your hands. They are also very good at hiding in the smallest of nooks and crannies. You will find that they can bite and claw at you, too. Instead of struggling with these creatures on your own, it is best to turn to a professional who can get it done quickly and effectively for you.
Humane Methods
Look for a provider who can remove the pests from your home or the area in a humane way. Of course, this is better for the animals that are simply just looking for a place to call home. However, it is also a good idea to relocate them instead of trying to use chemicals or other types of baits. Ultimately, if one of them dies inside your home, the only way to remove the carcass, which is a necessary step, is to cut it out. In attics or fascia, this can be very difficult to do. It is best to let a professional handle the process to prevent complications.
What Can They Do?
Squirrels are not creatures you have to live with and deal with. Rather, it is possible to have them safely removed from your home. Some professionals will use traps to capture the animals. Depending on the location, they may be able to use devices that can actually grab the animal and extract it. In other cases, it is necessary to rid the home of the problem by luring them out and then board up the hole, assuming it is possible to know there are no additional animals within it.
A professional will come to your home and inspect your concerns. After verifying the problem, he or she will then tell you the best option for squirrel removal in your situation. Once this is done, you can sit back and allow the pros to get to work. You will not have to struggle with scampering feet or annoying sounds throughout the day. You will not have to worry about the structural integrity of your home, either.
You may find the idea of Charlotte squirrel removal to be a humorous thought, but it can be a serious problem in your home. The professionals at http://www.a1wildlifecontrol.net are a better decision than trying the removal yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anders_Abadie

To Be or Not to Be: That's the Question

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Expert Author Finn Majlergaard
It seems Hamlet is not alone with his whim. Born from a genius mind four centuries ago, it still holds true to describe one of the most difficult process for any human being: Decision Making. It can be as complex as a multinational acquisition or as simple as what to have for dinner.
Perhaps the key difference between Hamlet's days and today's world lies in globalisation. Thus the decision making process calls for additional skills not required in past. Yet these skills come with the limited burden as it halts at the cross road when it comes to answering the question "to be or not to be global".
To be "global" turn out to be a "must" for those who want to be part of a grander world scenario. Managers and leaders were charged with the task of designing international integration while they faced the multifaceted challenges of handling and preserving nation's uniqueness.
On the one side, there's foreign integration of new products, consuming habits, choices and preferences inserted into a native culture. On the other side, local companies sharing the same market with new players, looking for foreign partners and investors, or going out to explore new markets and doing the same as foreigners are doing in their territory.
The game has changed and rules as well. Global players need to find the most effective way to build bridges in order for people to understand the major issue is: diversity. The path is definitely not the one that restricts diversity, differences and cross cultural scenario to a simple choice of "do or don't". It is not Hamlet's choice of to do or not to do. Business protocols serve as a guide but life and human behavior are not as simple as this.
Business's need to develop cross cultural competences in this global era; why? The answer is simple indeed: to survive. McDonald's had to do it to survive in India or France; Disney had a very painful lesson with Euro Disney today Disneyland Paris and L'Oreal had to develop product for tanning in West cultures and for "whitening" in Asian cultures. Unfortunately Wal-Mart did not understand this in Germany and did not survive.
Companies need leaders culturally tuned to other cultures. If organisations look inward to sell their goods and services, in a very short time they will be displaced by cross cultural structures capable of understanding different time management, the importance of relationships in business, the meaning of silence in negotiation and how to reconcile dilemmas that naturally arise where diversity is the main guest, just to give few examples.
Countries need governors with a global mindset given that they are responsible of steering laws and economics policies. They are responsible of Free Trade Agreements and are the ones called to lead the way towards fair integration.
Whether you are in Asia, Europe or Latin America challenge remains the same. You are called to lead your company and to develop cultural competences otherwise opportunities you miss will be your competitor's biggest fortune.
Learn why it is so difficult for well educated singles to find a partner and what you can do about it. In particular the well educated women find it difficult to find the right match because they don't want a less educated man. At the time where well educated single women are ready to look for a partner, the well educated men in their age group have already found a spouse, usually less educated than he is.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Finn_Majlergaard

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